The Talon

The Official Student News Publication of Davies High School

The Talon

The Talon

Zyn Nicotine Products: An investigation into their usage

Why is this happening?
High school is a time in a child’s life when they start to grow and flourish into the people they will be when they grow up. This is when people may experiment as they find their hobbies and groups and begin to understand themselves. With all these new experiences and feelings comes a great deal of pressure to fit in and be “cool.” Fitting in can be hard and may cause some to bend their morals or do something unsafe. Although it is important to try new things, the fixation on being liked by others can get extreme and risky.

Why is this important?
In today’s age, it is unfortunately easy for people to fall under the influence of addictive substances. They can affect any age group but younger generations are the most vulnerable. With the critical risk group ranging from early (ages 12-14) to late (ages 15-17) adolescence, keeping these substances out of schools is a very big struggle.

Why is it trending?
The most harmful trends involving substance use that tend to catch young people’s attention come from social media and influencers. A recent example, that has become one of the biggest, is called a Zyn. Tobacco and nicotine pouches have existed since the very early 2000s and have gained popularity through ads, certain shops, and of course social media. A Zyn is a nicotine pouch that has gone viral on TikTok and other platforms due to influencers targeting younger audiences. Since Zyn is a smoke-free and tobacco-free product, people don’t seem to see the harm this is causing in the younger generations.
Why is it so enticing to younger generations?
Bringing us back to when vaping became a new trend, we saw the advertisements being tailored more to children. The ads had colors, younger individuals and concepts that were more so meant for the younger generation. As we take a look now at these ads not only for vaped but now for Zyns and new products we can see a great similarity between the two. Teens and students follow these trends due to the thought of it being a healthy alternative to other harmful tobacco substances, teens buy into them and become addicted shortly after.

With more and more kids nowadays turning to unhealthy coping with drugs and alcohol while underage, there is more and more of an effort we have to put in to stop it. Underage kids are still developing and they are still growing, if they turn to this lifestyle now there won’t be a hope for them to go far when grown up. It’s a lot harder to watch and keep these things out of schools because of the fact that teachers shouldnt have to babysit middle/high schoolers. With social media at an all time high, the advertising of these products gets more and more elevated till it’s all they see across the internet.

How many people in our school do you estimate may use Zyn products? Why did you choose this amount? To be considered for publication, include your name and grade.
I would assume around 1/4 of the school, because I see so many people using them all the time, especially in the bathrooms – Shelby Ushron grade 12
I think at least 1/4 of the school because a lot of the students look high all the time-Zoe Fofana grade 9

Lots of people who vaped before and are addicted to nicotine might use these pouches because they aren’t as noticeable. Since we are at school, they could just use these pouches quickly and without having to leave class, which is more convenient. People might also use them because they are popular, and everyone wants to hop on any trend right now. – Shelby Ushron grade 12

Many kids tend to just try substances without knowing the harmful effects it will have on their bodies. For example, nicotine pouches are not good for your brain as well as your mental and physical health. The side effects if these products can be very risky and life threatening. In order to be watching out for people using this producs here are the symptoms/side effects of the Zyn product:
Oral health issues
Gum recession- the gums surrounding your teeth wears away exposing more of the tooth and it’s root
Oral Lesions: Mouth sore that are often painful blisters on lips, gums, or on the the roof the the mouth, they can last up to 10 days, and are considered contagious fever blisters
Gastrointestinal Problems
“ZYN Hiccups” or “nic-ups” from upset stomach and leads to sometimes intense nausea
Heart burn from use of high adrenaline releasing products, this also increases heart rate and could risk heart disease
Nicotine effects blood pressure and can reduce blood flow to the brain leading to headaches lasting from a few minutes to several days
Sensitivity to light
Others have reported
Increases anxiety and stress level
Brain fog and confusion
Extreme fatigue
Very dry nose to the point of bleeding
Body aches
Constant dehydration
Insomnia or struggles with sleep

The poll results show that more students aren’t familiar with the products but a lot of them are. Showing the familiarity of student and this product really shows how tough it is to keep it out of the school shielding the students from these things won’t help, however expressing the harmful effects these things have one them could help keep them out of schools.
—I believe people can do what they want as long as it’s not harming anyone, this piece is to educate and help people get a better understanding but also to spread awareness on the topic of addictions from social media and the dangers it can sometimes lead to.—
North Dakota Youth Risk Behavior Survey
What to look out for (tailored to teachers)

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